Who Should Be Responsible for the Australia Fires? (2)
Should Environmental Activists be Responsible for the Australia Fires?
-- Topwristband.com Edit
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Today, we are going to talk about the truths why the Australia fires would extend into such large range.
Truth 1: The Commercial Logging Would Make the Fires Extending.
There are some people would doubt that if we cut all trees down, there are no things would be burnt, how can the fires extend? We might need to have the popularization of science.
That is a lopsided view. First, it is unreasonable to cut all trees down. Each time you're logging a forest, there are some saplings or the bushes would grow up easily. That is much easier to be burnt than the mature trees. If you really want to do in this way, we need to do something to raise your Environmental Awareness.
The mature trees are the first target of the commercial logging. Actually, the mature trees are difficult to be burnt, and some of them had survived from the fires before. The inflammable part of them had been burnt, which means that they would be more difficult to be burnt in the future.
After lopping the forest, the soil would get more sunniness, which is benefit to the bushes and the saplings grow up. They are the best inflammable, and the stumps would change into the inflammable material. Look at the memorial wristband from the activity for popular science, thinking about the biological knowledge.
Superficially judging, the commercial logging could eliminate the inflammable material, because it reduces the biomass in this land. So that it seems good for fire prevention. But actually, this behaves is increasing the density of the inflammable material in this land. There are a lot of studies talking about this research, we choose one of them to know about it. [1]
What's more, if you cut the dead tree after the fire disaster, it would impede the forest regeneration, which would increase the risk of the wildfire. To the forest ecosystem, your common sense and intuition are unauthentic.[2]
Therefore, if you are planning to have an activity for raising people’s environment protecting awareness, remember to give them a souvenir to remind them about this knowledge.
Truth 2: The Clear fell Logging to the Virgin Forest
There are some companies would cut trees by the way of clear fell logging. They would clear away the whole plants of a place. What’s more they will fire this place and use the pesticides to eliminate the original plants of this place. And then they would plant the saplings. This is what the most environment protection organizations against for.
Why should they such extremely? Because they would get the most profit by this way of logging. In Australia, most of the forests are the original forest. Because of the little human’s active jamming, there are multitudinous plants and organisms. It would bring a big trouble of management to the company. But the uniform man-made forest is much easier to management.
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The original forests have a long history in Australia, which are having the strong power of fire resistance. By contrast, the man-made forest is cover with the single vegetation, which would make the deadwood difficult to decompose naturally. What's more, cut the teenage tree would bring them the best profits, there are little big tree actually in the forests.
[1] Does increase forest protection correspond to higher fire severity in frequent-fire forests of the western United States? DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1492
[2] Post-Wildfire Logging Hinders Regeneration and Increases Fire Risk. DOI: 10.1126/science.1122855