A Dog Drove A Crazy Car with a Crazy story

A Dogs Story

--Guest Starring: A Crazy Car

Pic. From Google
Hey, guys! I am a dog from Florida. There is a story I have to told you. One day, I woke up in the morning as usual. Suddenly, I found out the car key of that crazy car was lying on the table. (Why do I say it is a crazy car? You would know later.) That is a car key!!! You know what? I had dreamed for driving it by myself each time I saw my master driving it. My master, is a kindness lady, she seems like unwilling to drive today. There was an unusual but wonderful thinking showing up in my mind.

I stole the car key from the table. I took over it. Who I am? I am “Big boss”! I had saw her driving for many times. It is not a big deal! But the car was getting crazy when I sit on the driver’s seat. It kept backing off for a long time. No matter how I turn the steering wheel to the left, I couldn’t stop it. It doesnt make sense!! I always saw my master stopping the car by turning the steering wheel.
Pic. From Google

 I knew that the car is out of control. After the crazy car crazy backing off for about one hour, it finally was stopped by the polices. Exactly, I have no idea the crazy car was stopped by the polices or by itself. Because the polices couldnt get inside the crazy car or stop it in a peace way. They hadnt stopped the crazy car by violence, because they didnt want to hurt me before the crazy car hurting others. I swear that I would never drive that stupid crazy car anymore. 

Thanks god! There was nobody injured because of this crazy car!

Writer: Topwristband
(A Professional Wristband, Landyard & Business card Manufacturer)



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