Social Distance Wristband: Reminding People During Pandemic

Social Distance Wristband: Reminding People During Pandemic

- Topwristband

We have lived through half year with the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. In the past days, our medical workers have worked hard to fight against the virus. They have saved many lives from the death. We are wearing the face masks to reduce the possibility of infecting the virus. What’s more, we followed the government’s ‘Stay At Home’ policy to be free from infection. And there are some different policies helping people to keep away from this new virus. Even through we are still in the COVID-19 pandemic, we had tried our best to buy time for researching and developing the vaccine of this virus.

In some cities, the virus are under control. In these cities, we are reopening the business and reawakening the cities. The common social contacts is coming back our lives. Even though we are for the jobs and lives, we cannot forget the fact about COVID-19. For reminding people the principle of ‘Keep Social Distance’, the social distance wristbands were created. It is a kind of motivational wristbands during the epidemic period.

There are some people using the social distance wristbands to remind people keeping social distance. They would use the red wristband, yellow wristband and green wristband to present what things they can do and what things they are better not to do.

The red wristband means that the things we should avoid doing. The things include group gatherings, sporting events, sleep overs and concerts, etc.

The yellow wristband is standing for the things like ordering food for pick up/delivery, getting groceries and pick up prescriptions, etc.

The green wristband is standing for the following things: exercise at home, read a book and go for a short walk, etc. Normally, it is as same as the inspirational wristband. People would be inspired to have a healthy life. The color psychology meaning is helpful to guide people living in a more healthy way.

The communities would usually use these social distance wristband to warn their residents. It is teaching people how to reduce the unnecessary contacts, so that we can reduce the spread of the virus. Before having the vaccine, it is the effective method to control the virus spreading.

But some people would use the social distance wristband to ease the embarrassed atmosphere in the social activities. During the epidemic, did you ask or be asked the following question in the awkward way?

“Do you mind having a handshake?”, “Do you need the 6 Feet social distance?”.... Such questions would not be benefit to your business, especial when you are looking for the cooperation. An annoying word would be harmful to the cooperation. Therefore, there are two persons promoting the concept of social distance wristbands.

The co-founder of Social Contact Wristbands, Amber Viens and Desiree Haller, are hoping that these wristbands could let people know others’ preference in the social activities without words. The red wristband means the wearer want to ‘Keep 6-Feet Apart’ and ‘No Contact’. The yellow wristband means the wearer is only allowing the elbows contact. You can have some simple bodily contacts with him/her. The green wristband means you can have a handshakes or high-five with the wearer. By wearing the social contact wristband, the stranger would know if you want to keep the social distance or not. You and your business partners don’t need to be worried about it.

What’s more, when you are going to hold an exhibition & Event, the social contact wristbands can help you to release the worries from the participators. There are many people would worry about how to keep safe from COVID-19 when they are making the decision of whether to participate. Some of them hope to keep social distance with others no matter when and where they are. But some are not. If you prepare the social contact wristbands for them and note the meanings of different color wristbands on the invitation letters, they will be relieved to make the decision.

“If someone is uncomfortable with the way you approach them, it might lead to a disconnection that could have potentially been a great contact or business or personal relationship” Haller said.

The personalized souvenir, like the customized wristband, it always needs to be designed with the colour psychology. For example, we use the red wristband to stand for ‘I want to keep the social distance with you’. It is not only because the red color is more attractive, but also because the red color is able to make others having the mental stress. So that the red wristband can warn others silently.

We are not strangeness to the yellow wristband, because the livestrong wristband is known by many people. When people are asked “What is yellow wristband?”, most of them would tell you “It is the Nike livestrong bracelet” or “It is the livestrong yellow bracelet” firstly. But now it has more meanings. Because the yellow light is the transitional light between Red light and Green light in the traffic light system. When people see these colors at the same time, they would automatically think that the yellow one is not as serious as the red, but more serious than the green. This is the reason why we would use the yellow wristband to tell others that we can have some simple social contacts but not too close.

The green color is standing for safe and passable. So we use the green wristband to tell others the social contact behavior is acceptable. It is not like the liver cancer awareness bracelets and the non Hodgkin's lymphoma awareness bracelets. That two kinds of green wristband are used for raising people's awareness of diseases, the green rubber bracelet is standing for the things we can do in this epidemic.

Therefore, we should design the personalized souvenir items on the basis of psychological effects of color. So that the souvenirs would bring your activity a better effect

Do you want to do something for fighting the COVID-19? Come to order the customized souvenir as the personalized reunion souvenirs. Using your customized social distance wristbands on your activity.



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