Raise ALS Awareness Since ALS Global Day | Topwristband.com

ALS Global Day-Raising Awareness

- By Topwristband

The Global Day for ALS is on 21st June. The Global Day is beginning from 1997. Why is June 21 in each year? It is not a random date for this global day. June 21st is a solstice-a turning point. It stands for the best wishes to the people with ALS. In each ALS Global Day, the ALS/MND community would hold a lot of activities and using the ALS awareness bracelets in the activities. People are hoping that this day would also be a turning point to the people with ALS. They hope to find out the cause of disease and the methods of treatment.

It is not an easy job to raise people’s ALS awareness. All high attractive diseases are famous for a series of promotional activities. Therefore, we are always finding out various cancer awareness bracelets in our daily lives. The livestrong wristband would come out in our minds when we see the yellow wristband. And the breast cancer awareness bracelets would be thought of when we see the pink wristband. What’s more, the autism awareness bracelets and mental health bracelets are as same as these awareness bracelets.

This global day aims to support the work of helping the people with ALS. So that they can raise people’s awareness on this disease. This disease is a global problem that influence more than 400,000 of the world’s population and lead to 100,000 deaths every year. Thousands of activities would be held on in the whole world. “One Global Team, One Goal: a world free of ALS/MND” is the motto of the ALS awareness bracelets. They are held in different places, held by different organizations and faced with different audiences, but they all have the same goal: Raising people’s awareness of this disease. This is the meaning of the awareness wristband.

In 2014, Pete Frates, who was the ballplayer from Boston College, initiated the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge for raising people’s awareness about ALS. Mark Zuckerberg had taken part in this challenge. This challenge asks the participators uploading the video of splashing the ice water on themselves. And then they can ask others to participate this challenge. In the rules of this activity, the invitees could rise to the challenge within 24 hours or choose to donate $100 for against ALS. This activity aims to let more people know about this unusual disease, and it is able to rise money for treating the people with ALS.

These activities developed a lot of support wristbands, and the cancer support bracelets are the common support wristband in our daily lives. Except for the above-mentioned diseases, we still have the custom medical bracelets like pancreatic cancer awareness bracelet and lung cancer bracelets in the society. After the Ice Bucket Challenge, the ALS awareness bracelets and its fundraiser bracelets are popular all over the world.

It is not easy to copy the success of ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, but you can raise people’s awareness of the thing they should care for. No matter the unusual disease or the attention to environment, you can rise people’s awareness by using the customized souvenirs. Design the motto on the wristbands or the logos of charity organizations on the customized button, selling them for fundraiser. It would not only raise people’s awareness but also raise money for the charity careers.

Are you interesting in ordering the personalized wristbands for the charity careers? www.topwristband.com is good at producing your personalized souvenirs.

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